Last week a young man rang our bell and said that he had some toys to deliver.  Needless to say I let him in and he came in to Santa’s workshop with two carrier bags full of toys.  I noticed his id badge, which said his name was Declan Proud and that he worked for a large crisp manufacture in Leicester. On enquiry,   he told me that the toys were his personal gifts and that he had just been to the shops as he wanted to do something for less fortunate children in Leicester and had enjoyed picking out the toys.  We are incredibly busy at the moment and I did not have time to show him round Santa’s workshop and now I wish I had found the time.  You do not know this Declan but only a few moments after you left, the toys you brought were being wrapped as they were exactly what we needed.  So thank you.

We do not often get to personally thank the people that donate Toys as they drop them of anonymously at collection points across the county but can I take this opportunity to thank you all for your generosity even though we may not be able to thank you personally.